In 2023, two projects were established to breed geckos of the genus Rhacodactylus - Super Genetic Geckos and bearded dragons - Super Genetic Dragons. We have many years of experience in breeding these animals.
Terra Company Habal s.r.o.
Terra Company Habal s. r. o. engages in breeding and rearing
exotic terrarium animals and manufacturing of related products.
Recent Articles
Posters and calendars 2024
Pre-sale of themed posters and calendars. Available at all reptile shows or can be posted.
Delivery of ordered animals to the reptile shows
For the health, safety and well-being of the animals, only personal collection upon previous agreement is possible.
Upcoming events
One of Europe's biggest reptile meetings.
Ostravské Fauna trhy
Breeding sales exchange with international participation on a covered heated area of 5,700 m2
Praha Živá exotika
Visit the most famous international event around exotic animals and plants in the Czech Republic!